Do humans require society? Does society require artificial distinctions? If so, why do they seem to require codification and why is there variation in the codification? Is codification of the hierarchy an epigenetic part of being human? Are all codifications necessary evils? Laws seem to be the code in place to maintain existing inequalities. Must the top of the hierarchy always be rotten? Can real justice be codified? Can it replace hierarchy?
The West has a reasonable claim to being the champ when it comes to hierarchical ordering of society. But there are still hierarchies in Chinese society (and Japanese and Aztec and Hawaiian and etc..). Makes one wonder, do we need hierarchies? Why is hierarchy not a subject of our philosophy (other than as something to codify)? Why do we not view it as a problem to solve? I understand those at the top of the hierarchy exert undue influence on our institutions of learning and knowledge, but why are our best minds not obsessed with how to flatten the social structure in order to benefit from the vast and varied deep bench of human experience and wisdom? I know those at the top don't want us to solve this problem , but why do we listen to them? They aren't the boss of us. I’m just axing questions. I know there are or have been societies without hierarchies but not at the level of state or city-state it seems. I feel sortition could be a way to “solve hierarchies”. But if people “need hierarchies” I may be wrong about that.
I’m obsessed lately with our inability in this country certainly to ever do the right thing. Inequality we can do. Injustice we got down. Imperiling the planet? We got this! Genocide assistance? You betcha! Repeating the worst hits of history? Hold our beer! Outrage over appeals for decency? Check check and check! Ban the most popular platform for creativity and free expression among young people? Smell us! Universal healthcare? No can do!!
I almost wish we had the luxury to get this wrong-- that some selfish assholes were gonna be assholes basically and those were the billionaires or the billionaire wannabes, and it’s a big world-- room enough for everybody including the socialists so just blow the assholes off. But we don’t have the luxury because it’s our planet’s destruction and the misery of billions that enables their assholery. (Happy New Year by the way! ^_^)
I also am obsessed lately with this imbalance of power between thoughtfulness and munitions. Those wannabes and billionaires have guns and will use them and do. We just have our thoughts. When they figured out they could win by threatening and carrying out violence-- and that as long as they kept winning the arms race nothing bad was going to happen to them-- the game was lost for the rest of us.
So we're just going to let them win?