Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Shout, Sister, Shout!
Saturday, March 27, 2021
How Random
A lagniappe of working remotely the past year has been a daily opportunity to ponder randomness for just a moment as I enter the transitory passcode generated on my phone from an authentication app in order to complete a VPN connection to my network, a required measure of security implemented by my workplace. Over the course of the past few years of using the app, my intuition was that close to every 6-digit passcode generated by it included at least 1 repeated digit. Daily use only intensified my suspicion. It seemed that every time I thought to consider the number being generated for me, at least one pair, and frequently 2 were involved. Something about this didn't sit right with me. Were randomly generated 6 digit numbers almost guaranteed to repeat a digit? Or was this app simply not generating random numbers?
This wasn't just an idle concern. Years ago, when I first developed some programming skills that were shallow in comparison to others but deep enough to make me dangerous, I spent some of my spare time trying to conceive of ways to devise a random number generator, usually in the service of primitive game design. I discovered that writing an algorithm to try to produce actual randomness was a great deal more complex than it seemed at first blush to my fertile imagination. Most self-contained algorithms that I tried lacked something in the production of verifiably random-like sequences of numbers. I had the most success incorporating some unplanned element of the run-time environment into my calculation, e.g., the evenness or oddness of the thousandth of a second that the program was invoked or of the ascii value of the third letter of the verbal representation of the product of both the tenths and hundredths of a second of the timestamp.
Fast forward through years of American decline to the point of our present situation of isolation. Facing the mystery each weekday morning, I daily started to daydream about ways to explore the question of how random my authentication app's random number generator was. My first thought was that the question was something I could tackle through logic alone, perhaps with the help of Excel formulas. Of course, the purpose of the app being to connect me to work, it never failed that my ambition to solve the problem would be supplanted by my desire to remain gainfully employed, by doing actual work instead. Consequently, my barely started efforts would sit in cobwebs for months before the cycle would repeat, the struggle between ambition and reality playing itself out each time with the same predictable results.
Today for some reason, with the end of the month approaching and a whole weekend lying before me, it occurred to me that my ability to reason could use some help. A lightbulb went off and I realized that all I needed to do was to count every possible 6 digit number between 000000 and 999999 that contained at least one pair and then compare it to the incidence of pairs in the passcodes proffered by the authentication app. Having limited time, I needed a shortcut with the counting, so I dusted off some Python knowledge and built a program to assist with the task.
Since it had been a while since I'd used Python, to warm myself up I wrote a function to pad an integer n with up to 5 leading 0s, (e.g., render 1 as '000001', 223 as '000223' and so forth) put the digits into a list and then sort the list numerically*:
a = f"{n:06}"
l = [int(x) for x in str(a)]
return l
The sorting turned out not to be necessary but served mostly as acknowledgement of my realization that using this brute force method and thinking of each number as one of a million possible "hands" that could be "dealt" by the authenticator, I could abandon the complexities of factoring in the location in the string of each member of the pair that played havoc with my ADD when I was attempting to use logic alone.
My next challenge was to count the instances of pairs, and while I was at it of triples, quadruples, quintuples and sextuples in a given 6-digit number n:
while item<10:
if Ct==1:
elif Ct==2:
elif Ct==3:
elif Ct==4:
elif Ct==5:
elif Ct==6:
return L
- One and only one pair: e.g., 113456
- One pair and a triple: 121216
- One pair and a quadruple:121211
- Two pairs: 121256
- Three pairs: 121233
- One and only one triple: 123226
- Two triples: 121212
- One quadruple: 123222
- One quintuple: 122222
- One sextuple: 222222
- Six unique digits: 123456
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Counts of instances of specific repetitions of digits in 6-digit numbers between 000000 and 999999 compared with those of 100 passcodes generated by a VPN authentication app |
* Note: It will be best to think of the python contained in this post as not so much exemplary of programming virtue as confessional of programming sin.
† Do not try at home. As I discovered Monday morning, the consequence of treating an authentication app as a random number generator for a sample of significant size is being locked out of the network for too many attempts.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Feeling Peevish
I'm the soul of accommodation, but I do have some peeves. I will tell you a few of mine (if you will keep yours to yourself.) (I kid.)
A peeve is not a principle or a matter of morality. It's a dislike, usually against one's better judgment. For example, while in principle I will defend to the death your right to pronounce mischievous "miss-CHEE-vee-yuss" instead of "MISS-chih-vuss", that will not prevent me from docking you several points inside my head when you do.* The word peeve was invented to permit us the space, if you will, to vent our most petty disgusts† and prejudices with an unspoken wall surrounding them, admitting no judgment, admonition or disagreement from the peanut gallery. It's just a peeve! Lighten up! Of course some of us take them more seriously than we perhaps should and use the term to mean personal edict. These people should be destroyed. Or at least introduced to Valium. Peeves should not dictate how we live our lives or what kind of society we want to live in. Slavery, imperialism, murder, thievery, rape, exploitation of others, the destruction of the environment, cruelty to animals-- these are wrong and should be legislated against because they are criminal ways to behave, not because they rub me the wrong way.
The correct way to have a peeve is to feel a tiny bit ashamed about it. I can't conceal my annoyance at insipid YouTube comments -- why does the comment section of every video that has the faintest whiff of diversion from the dominant culture and gender degenerate into acrimonious battles drawn along gender, ethnic or national lines? Why does every video from 20 or more years ago invite commentary pissing on the artists of today? Why do people who enjoy a song feel compelled to take a dump in the comments on every musician they dislike? The correct answer to these questions is because I'm not the boss of them.
That said, there are a few irritations that I've put off enumerating long enough :
- Talkative barbers. Just shut up and get cutting. I'm not paying you for information.
- Incorrectly opened and closed packaging. Whatever's inside can wait until you read the directions about how to properly get to it. You're not going to starve. On the other hand you probably deserve the stale crackers you'll get the next time you feel like a snack.
- Family sitcoms. Is this why you went to film school? To repeat the same asinine plot week after week, show after show until you get to syndication? Kids don't talk like that. Nobody talks like that.
- Happy talking newscasters. Who asked for this? If I want to feel happy about the news I'll shoot heroin at 11:00.
- Speaking of news, nothing is more distracting than anchors and reporters who end every verb with -ing. "Plane crashing in Andes. Survivors waiting for rescue, eating non-survivors." Is conjugation not journalistic?
- Multiple endings in movies. You've got my twenty bucks, now please let me leave the movie theater.
- Sports humor. I know the mere sight of a quarterback in an insurance commercial is supposed to make me laugh, but I don't know who you are. And the gimmick itself is flawed: I'm sorry I just don't find thick-necked millionaires funny.
- The close cousin of sports humor, corporate humor. Wisecracking spokespeople, cutesy menus, "clever" slogans. As funny as a hernia.
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This doesn't mean anything. |
* And if you think you have "another thing coming", you have another think coming. The "thing" that you need another of is a "think" not a "thing"-- which is to say you're not done thinking, in spite of what you thought. "Another thing coming" misses the mark of what you're trying to express by a mile. Got that? Now cut it out! (And it's not "lip singing"; it's "lip synching"! Synchronizing your lips to a recorded song.) (Not that there's anything wrong with how you speak your own language!!)
† Spanish has a word-- grima -- that describes the common unpleasant response to high pitched irregular scratchy sounds like fingernails on a blackboard. English does as well, but although the response is widespread, the word -- misophonia -- is not.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Pinch Me
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Jean Lecomte du Nouÿ - A Eunuch's Dream, 1874 |
I assume I dream. Virtually everybody does. But like many, I don't know I dream because I never remember dreams in the morning. The ones I do remember once in a while are for the most part mundane: I make my boss cry at work by asking for a day off; I take my time descending stairs in my home to a party I don't want to attend. On the more exotic side, I think I've time traveled back to 1962 but I can't confirm it. I've never (to my waking knowledge) had the classic dream that everyone has of taking a final exam with absolutely no preparation. I suspect this could be because I have actually lived through that experience several times. As for lucid dreaming, forget about it.
I remember dreams I had as a child. Some were epic. My favorites were always those that involved finding a door in a house that leads to a fully furnished labyrinthine wing that hasn't been entered in years, that's been forgotten about, or just neglected. Sometimes, it's an ordeal to get from the familiar part of the house to the newly discovered but the effort is rewarded. Things are better in this part of the house-- more beautiful, more drenched in light and hope. The views out the window are spectacular. There's a hint that I could choose to stay here and maybe close the door on the part of the house I'd leave behind if I weren't being called back to it. Happening upon this extra living space that was there all along seems to represent an opportunity for reconciliation with an alternate past, yet while I'm exploring, I sense a growing anxiety that this could be a dream and if so it could be the very last time I set eyes on this discovery. As it turns out the anxiety is well-founded. I think about those dreams for days after I've had them. While they were common when I was younger, it's been years since I've had one.
There are of course many notions about why we dream. There's evidence that they have a role to play in the maintenance of memory-- either solidifying those details of the day's experience that we could need later on or sloughing off the dead weight to make room for some more. Nightmares may be the stuff of anxiety but they might also be rehearsals that prepare you for the ordeals that make you anxious in the first place. They may provide a nightly exercise in sense-making. Freud of course thought they were a way for the brain to work through the personal traumas and issues that screw each of us up in our own way. Many a work of art or literature has been inspired by dream-life. You may not be wrong to interpret them as omens. But if you don't remember them, what good are they?
We dream during Stage 5 sleep, aka REM or Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep, so called because a person observing the sleeper can see movement of the eyes behind the sealed lids while this deepest phase of the sleep cycle is going on. We remember dreams because we wake up during REM, while in the middle of dreaming them. Typically, we have 2 or more cycles of REM a night, in the deepest part of the night and also toward morning, conveniently when we are set to rise. In light of this, I think I could be forgiven for concluding that I rarely wake up in the throes of Stage 5.
Those who study sleep say that unless the reason for this is poor sleep, there's nothing for me to worry about. I think I sleep pretty well, but if I have a concern, it's not about health. It's fear of inadequacy. Others I know-- my wife, daughter and brother-- have incredible dreams, rich, novelistic, cinematic, deep. They wake up a little changed each day. How has sleep become such a desert for me? Did I piss Morpheus off? Am I so uptight that I can't even dream?
Still, short of convincing (or paying) someone to watch my eyelids while I sleep each night and give me a poke when they detect movement, I'll have to content myself with day dreams. And while I might be missing out on the profound and awesome landscape of nocturnal unconsciousness, it's not like I can't appreciate surreality when I come across it every waking day.