Saturday, December 12, 2020

This won't hurt a bit

As long as we're talking vaccines, what are the prospects for applying our models of medical advancement toward eradicating any of the following:

  • Tolerance of capitalism - Why is capitalism tolerated?  Its beneficiaries are few, whereas the havoc it brings upon society is all-encompassing. The model of capitalism isn't the entrepreneur (whose talent is figuring out how to monetize the fruits of the labor, research and creativity of others for himself-- something that we ought to deem a criminal activity when you think about it), but the vampiric private equity firm that hunts for enterprises they don't give two shits about to buy at the end of their life cycle in order to figure out how to liquidate assets, fire whoever remains,  screw the employees of their pensions with little to no notice and make themselves and their shareholders a tidy profit. Capitalism is the tax cut supposedly proffered as a stimulus for the economy that is instead spent on stock buybacks and executive bonuses. Capitalists are diseased.  The disease is capitalism.  It infects not just the capitalist who does not know to seek help, but all of society, causing cultural stagnation,  sowing bellicose aggressions in the pursuit of resources to fuel the affliction, limiting the imagination of our academies, cheapening life for everyone.  Someone get on this.
  • For profit insurance - You know how melanoma is a cancer but has its own researchers? Low hanging fruit in the pursuit of the elimination of capitalisms ought to be battling hindrances to the establishment of single payer healthcare.  This is largely a mental virus but the toll it wreaks on society is devastatingly physical.  Can't something be done in this country about it as it seems to have been conquered everywhere else?
  • I generally acknowledge that language belongs to all of us.  I agree with the viewpoint of my daughter who said to me the other day, "Language is my bitch, not the other way around."  The job of the listener to try to understand is no less a burden than the job of a speaker to try to be understood.  But can we work out a vaccine for misuse of  "Disinterested" anyway?   Disinterested as of this writing still mostly means having no stake in a thing, a prerequisite for objectivity; but more and more I'm seeing it used almost exclusively as a synonym of uninterested, as in bored by a thing.  It would be great if we could get this one eradicated before it slips into the dictionary, although we may be too late.
    • Meritocracy. Those who believe in meritocracy would like you to ignore the fact that what demonstrates merit in the model of earned privilege is willingness to subvert one's soul to the projects of elites.  What elites find meritorious, the rest of us should find absolutely odious.  In the words of Noam Chomsky, a “combination of greed, cynicism, obsequiousness and subordination, lack of curiosity and independence of mind, [and] self-serving disregard for others.”  Those are the underlying factors that let's hope would provide a way in for development  of a vaccine.
    • Have you noticed how often in a YouTube video on some dumb cultural thing like a pop song, a scene from a superhero movie or rom-com or a Saturday Night Live sketch, someone always puts a pause on their day, directs brain activity to their fingers, and exerts effort to say something to the effect of "[X celebrity] is [adorkable / going all in / being a bae / throwing serious shade / everything] and I am here for it."  Can we find a prevention for the impulse that compels a multitude of people to type the exact same 10 comments on every YouTube video they are impelled by the algorithm to watch? 
    • State murder

    • The impulse on the part of elected officials at the first sign of crisis to provide stimulus for the wealthy, austerity for everyone else.
    • Writer's block
    • Adamant reflexive wrongness.  I'd be first in line for that one.

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