As streamlined legend has it, Alfred Hitchcock commissioned a script from Ernest Lehman that would begin with a murder at the UN and end with the protagonist hanging off the face of Mt Rushmore. (Working title: The Man in Lincoln’s Nose) From that premise, Lehman crafted the iconic twists and turns that Cary Grant's character, Roger Thornhill endures in North by Northwest. To give heart to aspiring screen writers everywhere, it took Lehman a year, and it was a year of struggle and writer's block, belying the apparent seamlessness and breeziness of the finished product. This being a Hitchcock thriller, the plot incorporates mistaken identity and intrigue involving a cool blonde, the coldly competent and worldly enigma Eve Kendall, played by Eva Marie Saint. All of it arguably just an excuse for one of Bernard Herrmann's greatest scores:
Thursday, December 31, 2020
North by Northwest: The Art of Survival
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Staying Alive
A sentiment I'm hearing a lot toward the year soon ending: Fuck you, Year! I'm hearing it on the left, on the right and in the middle. I have some sympathy for the thought, but probably not as much as I could. I am lucky to have a job that can be done anywhere, including from home. Here I've been since March, which is kind of where I've always wanted to be. Not everyone in my family has been as lucky with their livelihoods. The youngest and oldest especially. But together, we've managed.
Life in America is so cruel usually. It was unusual to say the least that even in this cruelest of eras, presided over by a petty mean small band of know-nothing thugs, the structure of so many workplaces, so many lives, was rearranged so quickly in the service of human safety. Not as thoroughly as it could and should have been of course. Not without a toll for many; not without empty gesturing and divisive posturing on the part of those in a position to help people shelter in place, but whose aid to those most in need of it was stingy when it came at all; not without knee-jerk resistance; not without the already financially bloated managing to profit excessively from the new circumstances (disappointingly typical for them). This is America after all.
But looking back over the course of the year, it's astonishing that human society the world over was rejiggered so violently in the service of protecting the species from a new sudden threat to its mortality. You could argue (and you'd be correct) that we humans had it coming -- we made the threat by the way we exploit animals to keep our vast impoverished global labor force alive. For decades, we denied or ignored that our activity was causing the warming of the planet and could also be marshaled to mitigate it until it was too late to make a difference; but you have to hand it to us, we responded to a virus many of us never saw with astonishing swiftness. (Leaving aside those who exploited and exacerbated the situation as a gamble for their own political gain. The worst offender ultimately lost the bet in November.)
It's unimaginable that there won't be some permanent change, but humans will be humans so who knows. What we need more than anything to combat this and future threats to our health is universal healthcare, but our stagnant ideology prevented the implementation of even that small obvious measure this year. The string pullers are used to exerting their influence while quarantined from us in the best of times anyway. Physical separation of the rest of us from each other is an obstacle to solidarity which poses an extra challenge to the advancement of change; but observing the immediate impact of the nationwide protests that erupted following the police murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor largely without further spreading of the virus was inspirational. If we haven't learned anything from this sequestration about how to be disposed toward each other, let alone about how rapidly and thoroughly drastic change can happen, I'll be pissed.
The year started for me on a note of hope, in the form of the Bernie Sanders campaign, which coincidentally with the novel coronavirus was gaining momentum throughout the winter. Its emergence and spread in the early primaries too was met with swift, sudden, well-coordinated countermeasures that succeeded in nipping it in the bud before it threatened to completely infect the electorate, almost as a throat clearing exercise on the part of the professional managerial class for the public health crisis that erupted at nearly the same time. How differently would the crisis have been managed if Bernie Sanders had been the Democratic counterpoint to Donald Trump throughout the spring instead of the hibernating eventual nominee, who was too wise to botch things for himself by appearing in public in those early months of the crisis. His career was built on letting things happen, and with his opponent Donald Trump predictably unable to stifle himself when checking out might have served him better, it worked for him again this time. No question that the infection rate and death toll in the US would have been lower with someone else at the helm of the opposition, and without the president and his party aggravating the situation. I think Bernie Sanders as an opponent might have inspired Trump to step up in response (a possibility we might be catching glimpses of on his approach to the exit ramp as he shames congress to up the stimulus payments to $2000 from the measly $600 that it had been barely able to muster without his input), and it might have done him as much good as the country. But in spite of the obstacle that the Trump administration was to public health, a sane swath of the country fell in line to help stem the spread until a vaccine could be found.
I cringe a little when front line workers are thanked for their service. It's a bit too easy for a conglomerate of any kind to promote the practice in advertising or on TV, but for those regular people who take them up on it, it's surely heartfelt, well intended, and may strike the thanker as the least that can be done. Many on the front line, to be sure, particularly in health care are called to their work; mere thanks are inadequate when supplies to do the work and for their safety are not forthcoming. As for essential retail, food and factory workers, if my circumstances forced me into front line exposure to the virus on a daily basis for almost certainly not enough pay, at risk to myself and to my family I don't know that thanks would make up for it. But thank you all anyway.
For myself, a natural hermit, I can't deny that 2020 with its enforced separation has had its perks. It's been something of an antisocial dream-come-true to see myself being universally avoided in public nearly to the extent that I have spent a lifetime avoiding others. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to my daughter's generation getting another chance at living life as adults among each other. I will not miss not shaving. I will not miss masks. I will not miss Zoom. I will look forward to seeing family in person and to traveling freely and to getting haircuts when necessary and to indulging occasionally in public entertainment. But while I don't wish ill on my fellow humans, if and when we re-emerge from this episode, truth be told, I will sort of miss the distance.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Hot Takes
In the interest of meeting an impending deadline and in the spirit of continuing writer's block, we give you yet another listicle:
- There's been an intense war raging on the left recently over a suggestion made by a popular contrarian YouTube channel host that "The Squad" in congress-- the burgeoning leftist bloc-- should withhold their votes for Nancy Pelosi's re-election as Speaker of the House in exchange for a floor vote on Medicare-For-All and that if they don't it's because they are lying gaslighting traitors. Hot Take: The first part of the suggestion is fine as a starter. The rest of it, which is what underlies the schism that's erupted from it is the problem. I'll give the Purgers this, they are the loudest side in the fracas that's ensued. They have commandeered the histrionics. They own the bombastics. Theatrics R Them. I'm not going to complain about how Medicare for All happens as long as it happens; but to make the question of how it happens interesting, I'm going to put my money on "The Squad". I've been to DSA meetings and know I am outmatched. Trust socialism to the actual socialists.
- Some public intellectuals and figures in the media such as Bill Maher, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Bari Weiss, and the members of the "Intellectual Dark Web" for starters, are fixated on promoting the notion that the single greatest threat to democracy and to the future of the country is Cancel Culture and in particular, its supposed proponents The Millennials. Hot Take: I'd point out that most of the voices critical of millennials are baby boomers. The ones who aren't are children of privilege. Let me repeat, the ones complaining about how spoiled the millennials are are boomers and preppies! Are you rolling on the floor yet?
- In a zoom meeting with black leaders recently, President elect Joe Biden lectures that he's optimistic that things are changing for the better in America because "three or four out of seven commercials [are] biracial commercials." Hot Take: I too have noticed a sharp uptick in the featuring of biracial couples in tv ads during the Trump administration. Does Joe realize these are actors and their relationships are fictional? Conclusion: Casting for tv commercials is woke. Why? Because along with foot deodorant, we're being sold a myth of a post racial America precisely to undercut the struggle for substantial meaningful change like police reform, healthcare for all, a green new deal and a living wage for everyone. What does a potato chip have to do with it? Because if you're busy applauding the biracial couple snacking on it, you may not notice the deforestation that production of the palm oils used in making the chips are causing in Southeast Asia.
- The Wall Street Journal has mocked Jill Biden for insisting on being addressed and referred to with the Dr title when she is only a PhD, not a doctor of medicine. Hot Take: Never mind that there is ample precedent for the president elect's wife to go by the prefix bestowed on her by her education. I don't care if you're a Doctor of Philosophy or Medicine, enforcing your title is an asshole-y way to be. Traditionally by acceding to the formality of addressing you with the honorific we are acknowledging your achievement. True, it is an achievement that some of you worked so hard for so many years for the right to be addressed with the title. It's also pretty pathetic. Lots of people work hard; only assholes demand constant respect for it. In any case, please leave me out of your twisted status grubbing.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
This won't hurt a bit
As long as we're talking vaccines, what are the prospects for applying our models of medical advancement toward eradicating any of the following:
- Tolerance of capitalism - Why is capitalism tolerated? Its beneficiaries are few, whereas the havoc it brings upon society is all-encompassing. The model of capitalism isn't the entrepreneur (whose talent is figuring out how to monetize the fruits of the labor, research and creativity of others for himself-- something that we ought to deem a criminal activity when you think about it), but the vampiric private equity firm that hunts for enterprises they don't give two shits about to buy at the end of their life cycle in order to figure out how to liquidate assets, fire whoever remains, screw the employees of their pensions with little to no notice and make themselves and their shareholders a tidy profit. Capitalism is the tax cut supposedly proffered as a stimulus for the economy that is instead spent on stock buybacks and executive bonuses. Capitalists are diseased. The disease is capitalism. It infects not just the capitalist who does not know to seek help, but all of society, causing cultural stagnation, sowing bellicose aggressions in the pursuit of resources to fuel the affliction, limiting the imagination of our academies, cheapening life for everyone. Someone get on this.
- For profit insurance - You know how melanoma is a cancer but has its own researchers? Low hanging fruit in the pursuit of the elimination of capitalisms ought to be battling hindrances to the establishment of single payer healthcare. This is largely a mental virus but the toll it wreaks on society is devastatingly physical. Can't something be done in this country about it as it seems to have been conquered everywhere else?
- I generally acknowledge that language belongs to all of us. I agree with the viewpoint of my daughter who said to me the other day, "Language is my bitch, not the other way around." The job of the listener to try to understand is no less a burden than the job of a speaker to try to be understood. But can we work out a vaccine for misuse of "Disinterested" anyway? Disinterested as of this writing still mostly means having no stake in a thing, a prerequisite for objectivity; but more and more I'm seeing it used almost exclusively as a synonym of uninterested, as in bored by a thing. It would be great if we could get this one eradicated before it slips into the dictionary, although we may be too late.
- Meritocracy. Those who believe in meritocracy would like you to ignore the fact that what demonstrates merit in the model of earned privilege is willingness to subvert one's soul to the projects of elites. What elites find meritorious, the rest of us should find absolutely odious. In the words of Noam Chomsky, a “combination of greed, cynicism, obsequiousness and subordination, lack of curiosity and independence of mind, [and] self-serving disregard for others.” Those are the underlying factors that let's hope would provide a way in for development of a vaccine.
- Have you noticed how often in a YouTube video on some dumb cultural thing like a pop song, a scene from a superhero movie or rom-com or a Saturday Night Live sketch, someone always puts a pause on their day, directs brain activity to their fingers, and exerts effort to say something to the effect of "[X celebrity] is [adorkable / going all in / being a bae / throwing serious shade / everything] and I am here for it." Can we find a prevention for the impulse that compels a multitude of people to type the exact same 10 comments on every YouTube video they are impelled by the algorithm to watch?
- State murder
- The impulse on the part of elected officials at the first sign of crisis to provide stimulus for the wealthy, austerity for everyone else.
- Writer's block
- Adamant reflexive wrongness. I'd be first in line for that one.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Julia Kent: Gardermoen
Friday, November 27, 2020
Quality Time
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Notes from Underground
I've seen some surly and depressed leftists in the past few weeks since it became clear that Trump, despite the pains his people are taking to forestall acknowledgement of it, failed to stave off failure at the polls with the consequence that Biden actually squeaked out a victory this time. Some of the mournful are purists I presume who may genuinely rue the outcome of the election -- I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they'd be almost equally unhappy if Trump had won-- but some I imagine are apprehensive about the prospect that the lesser evil might actually be demonstrated to produce less evil, belying their admonitions to fellow leftists about the consequences of participation in 2020 presidential electoral politics. I don't read minds and it's way too early to gloat. But I've also accepted and preferred the chances with sleepy Joe and I'm hopeful; not that the best is yet to come but that the worst has been averted-- for now. For myself, on the whole I am feeling a bit beaten down by the state of the world and prospects for change which surge and ebb unpredictably. Since the outcome of the election has been settled, they aren't exactly surging but the ebbing has possibly ebbed.
Following the conclusion of the Sanders campaign, I found myself loading up on leftist journalism and podcasts and scouring the usual sites for activity and discussion on what's to become of the left. My conclusion is that the snooze button has been hit. Until the primary I was feeling very optimistic about a movement building and expanding beyond its borders. Bernie’s defeat was a serious blow to the momentum. I haven’t seen anything rising in the past few months anyway in its place. The vast majority of Sanders supporters who voted I'm sure followed Bernie's lead and voted for Biden to try to prevent Trump 2 in spite of active ostentatious alienation on the part of the rest of Biden's team as a measure of courting the white centrist suburban vote. In Bernie's primary loss, the left was dealt a blow that I don’t quite see how it can recover from while we try to prevent needless suffering and further horrors in the meantime. I console myself that Biden is probably too weak to actually preside. Who knows. My point though is that I felt I was able to vote for Biden without actually voting for Biden. Yes we do get Wall Street in the mix which is terrible but we stanch judicial hemorrhaging perhaps, probably greatly improve things at the border, maybe grab COVID-19 by the germ balls. The bullshit doesn’t end, but it is diminished appreciably right off the bat. The alternative was Trump, not some leftist movement that was going to rise up to do what Bernie was not able to. Bernie was the guy who could have done it and we didn’t let him. The left had its chance in Bernie and they blew it. (Yes there were DNC shenanigans and corporate funding and suppression and media insanity but that wasn’t supposed to matter, right?)
I might also feel a bit inadequate in my ability (and my record) at participating in making change happen. And frustrated that people like Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel and Neera Tanden and the Clintons and Pete Buttigieg and Barack Obama and money people and media people and etc. are still actively working to wreck those chances and may be successful at this time again as they always have been to date, and their supporters probably don’t know what the shit is happening or they’d be Bernie Sanders supporters. Seeing the beauty of the vision of a system that works for everybody that nobody else seems capable of being seduced by is flustrating as shit, am I right?!
Sunday, November 8, 2020
It has to be said
Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election. That's the boring part of the story.
The most amazing thing about it is that Donald Trump has lost the 2020 presidential election. Nobody realizes this. In fact, he hasn't just lost the 2020 Presidential election. He lost it in the biggest way that anyone has ever lost an election. No one in the history of the world on either side has ever had such a tremendous loss as Donald Trump has had in the 2020 presidential election. People are amazed by this
Actually I take that back. Donald Trump is not the only one who has lost a presidential election in such a bigly bigly way. Mike Pence has also lost the 2020 Presidential election. But he was really just along for the ride. It's really Donald Trump who gets most of the credit for this one. People can't believe how big an achievement this is. Trust me, it's huge. They're going to be talking about this for a long, long time because no one has ever seen anything like it.
How did he do it? Part of how he did it is that he told every one that he was going to throw out every vote that was counted after November 3. This was how he made sure that everyone voted early. And let me tell you, a lot a lot of people early voted. Huge numbers all over the country. They did this because Donald Trump told them what he would do if they didn't. No one would have thought of this.
People have elections. They try to win. Sometimes it happens. I don't think Donald Trump has ever not won. The biggest hugest loss in election history is a pretty big win. And against sleepy, creepy Joe Biden, too. I mean, come on, man! Am I right? I'll be honest, I don't think anyone could have done it except for Donald Trump. Well, Mike Pence did it too, but he was just taking advantage of Donald Trump's political strategy. Good job, Mike.
Some people think I'm going to miss hating Donald Trump now that he's lost the biggest election anyone could possibly lose. I think I'll manage.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Raymond Scott: Cindy Electronium
Here's a seasonal tune with the Quintette, Ectoplasm, recorded in 1948 and rereleased on a Populuxe hi-fi anthology a decade later:
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Canidae versus Felidae
The New Yorker periodically hosts a debate on the crucially relevant topic Dog or Cat? To definitively settle the question (per the organizers' hype), they invite celebrities (New Yorker famous celebrities) outspoken in their preferences to represent their respective tribes. Learning about one year's event, I was somewhat surprised to discover within myself a stake in the outcome. I've had dogs and cats all my life. I probably slightly if not more than slightly prefer the idea of cats myself (sorry, Argos), though of course I love my dog just fine (Sorry Blanche and Rizzo). But truthfully, it's not so much dogs that bother me as do dog people. I'm talking about the dog enthusiasts, who almost fetishize the animal, who advertise their fancy on their bumpers, who are stung when you forget to ask about their pet, who feed their dogs from their own mouth. What kind of sick fuck must one be to actually prefer the obsequious neediness of a dog to the mere is-ness of a cat? Honestly, I like dogs in spite of their bullshit, not because of it. But as usual, reading through the comments on the website announcing the contest, I realized that setting aside the cat vs dog question, what I really hate is people.
A few years ago, my brother who shares my ambivalence about the matter collaborated with me on a list of dog versus cat responses to a hypothetical opinion survey of preferences. To give an indication of the time frame, we had a vague notion of seeing if we could create some viral email spam with it. We both bristled at the internet phenomenon of the Lolcat who spoke a misspelled pidgin baby talk. In our view, this was how humans spoke to cats. Not how cats would speak to us if they deigned to fill us in on their thoughts. Our view of cats and dogs was formed mostly from experience with them, but as for cultural influences, it had more in common with the Warner Brothers conception of them than the soulless Disney view. A sample of some of the survey questions might give a flavor of our feelings on the matter:
- Dogs: Cheerios
- Cats: Pomegranates
Favorite Musical Artist:
- Dogs: Carrie Underwood
- Cats: Bjork
- Dogs: How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Cats: The Prince
- Dogs: Presbyterian
- Cats: Zoroastrian
- Dogs: Beige
- Cats: Aubergine
- Dogs: Titanic
- Cats: Salo: 100 Days of Sodom
- Dogs: 1
- Cats: e
Song from the 60s:
- Dogs: Bend Me, Shape Me
- Cats: Walk, Don't Run
- Dogs: The Jerk
- Cats: The Twist
- Dogs: Motorcycle Sidecar
- Cats: Zeppelin
- Dogs: Alaska
- Cats: Easter Island
Religio-Political Philosophy:
- Dogs: Antidisestablishmentarianism
- Cats: Contra-antidisestablishmentarianism-ology
Midnight Snack:
- Dogs: Dagwood Sandwich
- Cat: The hamster
Returning to the New Yorker debate, to my memory, when audiences vote on the proceedings, dogs generally win. If dogs only knew, they would be thrilled. Cats, I'm pretty sure, could give a shit.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Lesser Evil 2020
Unfinished ramblings:
After a year of pandemic including a spring and summer of quarantine, plus the weirdest most anticlimactic democratic primary ever, followed by freakish conventions of the two major parties, the threat of the end of feasibility of liberal influence on the supreme court for potentially decades to come, anxiety and aspersions cast on the voting process by the president himself, culminating in the recklessness and indifference of a president to a disease that his inaction has permitted to slay nearly a quarter million of his citizens and made him and his inner circle sick in a way that he seems determined to empower him, I think I have reached a sputtering stage, so this could be a month for extremely light posting, but before I ramp down, I wanted to take a moment to make an endorsement for the November presidential election. (as long as you don't hold me to it.)
I have voted in 10 presidential elections since I first reached the age of suffrage. I voted in 4 primaries until I went independent before Bill Clinton's second term in a state that has closed primaries, and did not re-declare as a democrat until 2016 (so I could vote for Bernie Sanders). My primary choice has never won. As for the General Election, I'm batting .400. So I don't expect to win this time either.
One party is actively engaged in hurting people. The other's harm infliction is a bit less active. One party is tromping in oversized clodhoppers down the path stomping on every ant, snake, ladybug, toad, mouse, immigrant, poor person and child it sees. The other is tromping more seriously, eyes straight ahead on the path of righteousness. If it also kills everything in its wake, it's unfortunate but its intentions were good. (There are other parties whose existence seems to be just therapeutic for those who require their vote to balm them-- their harm to everything in their path is more indirect.)
Does it matter who the president is? I've never heard a convincing argument that it doesn't, and yet it is true, of the two parties who win, one is actively trying to hurt you, the other considers your pain collateral damage toward a goal toward which it is pushing that even if it is reached you will never benefit from, but the hurt feels the same.
If you voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary (but not if you are Bernie Sanders), you may balk at the notion of voting for the lesser evil. If you keep voting for the lesser evil, your thinking may be, you are still voting for evil. You are still helping the slide to the right; that is, to the side of Evil. But the reality is, if you do not vote for the lesser evil, you will surely get the greater evil. Vote for lesser evil. If you live in a safe state and expect those in swing states to do the dirty work for you, vote in solidarity with them. No matter what happens at the end of the day, come January, roll up your sleeves and get to work. It will be easier with less evil in the air. With the resistance retired, the work will be more productive.
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Words by E.J. Dempsey (as W.R. Winspear); Art by Claude Marquet (1916) |
Let me count the ways
It's a sad sign of the state of my mental block that the above cartoon is what I feel compelled to write about but we must find inspiration where we can, mustn't we? Is political cartooning not one side of a dialogue anyway? I can't organize my thoughts into a coherent whole but I can list some of them. Here follow some artless notions that the above compels in me. "There's a lot to unpack" as the youngsters are wont to say. ^_^
- I sense some bitterness here. Is the cartoonist okay?
- Is this a prediction? Is there supposed to be a point? Is it just moaning? If it's just moaning that's okay. I'm not sure I get the point if it's supposed to be an argument.
- This looks like it might be the artist's conception of how voting for "the lesser evil" will go. Can you imagine for a moment how it will go if "the greater evil" wins? Is it better or worse?
- There seems to be a suggestion that we know how things will go if Biden wins. There's a recycled feeling to the proceedings. Recycling will be bad. Okay.
- Who is this cartoon trying to convince? Is it vote shaming true believing dems? Is it an argument against voting for Biden aimed at fence-sitters and nose-holders? I'm starting to think it could really just be moaning.
- What did the cartoonist expect? Biden has already said nothing will fundamentally change. We already mourn that this is the best we can hope for in the next couple of weeks. It's still a change that we hope for.
- Maybe the message is more subtle than I'm giving it credit for. Maybe it's an entreaty to Biden himself to be better than the cynics expect him to be. That could work!
- I suppose the point of the piece is that we all die in the end. I can't argue with that.
- I'm trying to imagine the me in 2024 that suddenly gets the message that the cartoonist was trying to send me from 2020. 2024 me is feeling nothing.
- Dying really showed the Democrat!
- It's nice that the artist portrays the Democrat as caring about the dead person's vote. From my perspective it's a problem that real-life Democrats in non-cartoon world aren't demonstrating enough concern about non-voters.
- Why do I not feel sad about the death of the passive complaining Biden victim. Has my heart become so hardened?
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Dance Anthem of the Daisies
Sunday, September 27, 2020
All Together Now
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (may she rest in peace) may have been tragically foiled in her plan to thwart a right wing takeover of the Supreme Court merely by surviving a Trump presidency. That is the mythology that will surely be her legacy. Then again, she may have died simply exerting her privilege to hold the office for life. She is the 36th of 106 former Supreme Court Justices in history to die rather than retire after all (bringing the proportion for this mode of vacancy to 34.0% of the total). Her passing creates a weird echo to the last Supreme Court justice to vacate the office the hard way-- her good friend and legal rival Antonin Scalia whose death in 2016 (the 35th in office) came even earlier in the last year of Obama's administration than Justice Ginsburg's has at the end of Trump's current term. Although the coincidence provides anyone who needed it (I didn't!) an illustration of the looseness of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's adherence to any kind of principal and ethics over the perquisites of wielding political power-- with months to go before November, he noisily refused to allow hearings on Obama's nominee until voters had had a chance to elect a new president, whereas without yet knowing who Trump's nominee to replace Ginsburg would be, he promised to push the confirmation through as swiftly as possible with less than 45 days to go before the election-- it's uncharitable to believe that the satisfaction of this demonstration of McConnell's cravenness is the outcome she would have wanted. To say that McConnell is being inconsistent is disingenuous when his position on this as on every other question in his purview is in perfect keeping with his single minded determination to use his legislative authority to exert hostility toward the powerless majority. Had Ginsburg retired in time for Obama to replace her with a younger justice as she was reportedly implored to do as early as 2013, she may have missed becoming a cultural icon and hero of the pussy hat brigade, but she might also have forestalled rather than hastened the end of federal protection of a woman's right to choose an abortion in all 50 states. In short, the last laugh is not yet hers.
It has not been a complete failure, however. After a week of hagiography, iconography and lionization, culminating in their fallen hero being the first woman in the country's history to lie in State, the resistance was treated to the rare spectacle of Donald Trump facing actual citizens in the wild outside of one of his staged rallies, as he visited the Supreme Court to pay his respects and was greeted by a chorus of boos from mourners. "Vote him out! Vote him out!" they chanted like sweet music. Then in true liberal fashion it occurred to someone that the mob voice could be harnessed for a constructive message: "Grant her wish! Grant her wish!" they admonished the executive in reference to what Ginsburg's granddaughter reported was a direct quote from the Justice days before her death, to wit: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”
Hah! As if!
I have fantasized many times about what I would say to Donald Trump if he had to listen to me. It would probably be a sputtering mess of vitriol, but it would be a relief to have even just the chance to sneer a venomous heartfelt, "You suck!" to his face. Why do I hate him so much? It isn't just a political, philosophical difference (whatever his is anyway). It's more personal. I want to wipe the smug off his face. I'd like to do whatever I can to bring as much failure into his life as possible. Truthfully, it's not even a Donald Trump thing. I'd feel the same pleasure telling Nancy Pelosi off to her face if I were given the magical gift of spontaneous truth telling, or Ted Cruz or Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton*, and while we're fantasizing, Chris Cuomo, Jake Tapper, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, the remaining Koch Brother. And what the hell Derek Hough (just because). These are the beauties that we let run the show. These are the turkeys lucky enough to have their hands on the reins who are too stupid to know what to do with it. Donald Trump is particularly bad because his mediocrity as a human being is in your face. But if I let myself unleash a spew of hatred on him, one thing I do know is that as good as it would make me feel it would have 0 effect on him. There's no penetrating that skull.
That is why, given the choice between "Grant her wish" and "Vote him out" my vote would always be for the one that at least makes me feel better. Vote him out. Please.
* Democrats outnumber Republicans on my list not because they're necessarily worse but because their treachery is something that as a person who has voted Democratic most of my adult life I take more personally. I have a longstanding prejudice that Republicans are the way are because of a mental or personality defect, whereas for neoliberal Democrats, the problem is due to a character defect.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Feeding Flow
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Rizzo-adjacent Medieval Troubador Cat |
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Blanche-like Zen cat (Hishida Shunso, Black Cat, 1910) |
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Ludic Freedom
This was my plan. And then, before I had a chance to write a word of it, I learned that David Graeber had died. Graeber, an American anarchist anthropologist teaching at London School of Economics (since famously being fired without cause when he was up for tenure by Yale in 2006 probably for writing in support of a student expelled for activities organizing the Graduate Student Union at the university) had written iconoclastic books-- Debt: The First 5000 Years and Bullshit Jobs among them-- and was credited with the genesis of the phrase "We are the 99%" that inspired and outlived Occupy Wall Street. I'd read Debt which delivers the earth shattering news that the principle of debt upon which much of our social hierarchy and economic system has historically been based and which enriches so few (who alone are free to flout its obligations) and immiserates so many around the world is, in spite of the formidable state apparatus we've erected to enforce it, simply a moral choice we've made and as we've suspected all along, not a very good one.
Reading about Graeber's influence and impact in an excellent appraisal by Nathan J Robinson of Current Affairs, I was alerted to a short almost speculative piece Graeber wrote for the Baffler in 2014 called What's the Point If We Can't Have Fun? In the essay, Graeber discusses an alternative theory to the prevailing one on consciousness and cognition. He takes philosopher Daniel Dennett as representative of the materialist point of view. Less hard line on the question of free will than some of his more strident fellow "anti-choicers" (to coin a term), Dennett subscribes to the more forgiving variety, Compatibilism, which holds that free will is not incompatible with a materialistic determinism after all, granting that what we experience as choice may be at the core the product of mechanistic forces with a dose of quantum uncertainty thrown in, but that this does not discount our experience of it as choice (a state summarized by Arthur Schopenhauer with the phrase "Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills."). This state gives us what Dennett calls, "Free will worth wanting" and makes engagement in acts of moral persuasion worthwhile pursuits. Some philosophers have introduced an intermediary step between the purely mechanistic and the apparently conscious experience of free will, to wit "emergence"-- a threshold beyond which the less deterministic properties latent in the structures underlying pre-consciousness emerge to be experienced and exercised as will.
Graeber rejects determinism even in its most palatable compatibilistic form, and takes issue with decreeing will emergent on the basis that it explains nothing. He instead entertains as an alternative what is termed sometimes panpsychism, sometimes panexperientialism (for instance by the British philosopher Galen Strawson). This is the surprising notion that everything in the universe to the most elemental level, far from being inert matter at the whim of whatever physical law might be operative in its locality at a given time might in fact itself be imbued with rudimentary "will" or specifically a propensity to take whatever fork in the decision-tree of its circumstances that it fancies. Choice for its own sake, which Graeber suggests might be the essence of what objective human observers might term "fun" might be at the heart of everything. How else to explain how matter which tends to inertia and entropy might on its own team up with other matter in configurations of ever increasing complexity (culminating in the improbable configuration I like to call Myself). The freedom at all levels of the universe to choose based on whim, pleasure, the pursuit of fun is what Graeber calls "ludic freedom" (from the latin ludus - sport, which is also the root of ludicrous-- itself perhaps a maligned word? Ok, let's not go crazy.).
For a pretty confirmed materialist, I have to admit that as cursory as my understanding of the concepts of ludic freedom are based merely on a speed reading of Graeber's essay, I was instantly prepared to drop my deterministic convictions to embrace this notion of freedom. Recognizing that that might be a bit hasty, it suffices for me to say I take my readiness to jettison what was nearly a given for me to be an encouraging sign that the stakes have lowered for me, which I take to mean Graeber might have found an opening in me to yet new and unexpected truths-- illustrating a gift that characterizes much of Graeber's life work.
I once wrote a meditation (just for the hell of it) on how life might have arisen from conditions on earth however many billion years ago, and trying to jump the gap from inert matter to self-replicating life, I found myself wanting to use language not unlike what I encountered in Graeber's article, so perhaps I am receptive. In any case, imagining how the universe might operate with this sort of physics invites new, exciting perspectives on chemistry, biology and human behavior. Subatomic matter finds pleasure in the company of like matter, and decides to team up to create molecules which makes the universe suddenly a lot more interesting. Molecules find solidarity in the composition of proteins; proteins collaborate on organisms (Graeber rhapsodizes on the liberating implications for the philosophical exemplar of dull robotic existence, the lobster). Eventually, we get humans whose whimsical, creative wills thanks to ludic freedom have a framework for being capable of concocting surprises in perpetuity.
The implications for all kinds of ethologies previously considered inevitable, rote, mechanical, is endless. Could the mosquito, for example, just find the prospect of annoying giant hot hairy apes with its itchy saliva amusing as hell? Maybe to mosquitoes, the pursuit of human flesh is an extreme sport. If even the lowly mosquito is capable of what Nietzsche calls the will to power, might thermotaxis be experienced not so much as an algorithm to which the mosquito is inexorably subject but as a belief system to which it ecstatically subscribes? Or is the prospect of writing about the tedious predictability of mosquitoes just no longer fun?
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Host: "Helen, Ted, May I introduce Melania Victor." Guest: "Zzwwrrrzzwwrrzzt!" Host: "What's that? Oh, I'm sorry, Malaria Vector!" (Harry Bliss - New Yorker) |
Monday, August 31, 2020
Red Sky at Morning
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Chronicles of an August
I've returned from vacation in another state. The conditions for the visit imposed by the health authorities there were that I either needed to document a clean bill of COVID-19 health taken within 72 hours of arrival or self-quarantine for 14-days. Plans A & B for testing both fell through. One site required a referral which we did not have, another was too costly. We learned of a reputedly "free" method for testing but between the distance from our base, the availability for an appointment and the prospects for receiving results, our window for certification disappeared. Fortunately we had access to private quarters so sheltering in place it was. There was no internet where we were, no cable, the telephone was not connected and cell-phone service was spotty at best, so we went cold-turkey on media saturation, news and our usual diet of information. Hard to believe but we survived.
Before I left, I'd helped a friend with setting up a transfer between an unemployment account and a bank. The magnetic strip on the card issued by the municipality through which they were receiving benefits had stopped working though they'd had it for a only a short while, their efforts to get a new card after months of working to get the first had not yet panned out and their straits were getting dire. I witnessed the completion of the transaction, went on vacation, on my return, they still had not received the money from the unemployment account in their regular bank account. Had they maybe not dotted some i on the transaction like missed a final ok button or something? There had to be a simple explanation for it. While I was speaking to them about it, they reminded me that I had told them while they were going through the process that the managers of the system would not have made the process easy. I had no memory of saying this. Sure enough the site left many steps unexplained that required either some knowledge of how online financial processes generally work or a degree of ESP in order to figure out. I had a bit of the former. The holdup in getting their funds moved to their usual bank account was in small print on the site: transactions take up to 30 days. Figures.
Why had I prior to my vacation correctly surmised that the process for accessing funds to which one was entitled would be difficult whereas post-vacation I was annoyed by the difficulty? Answer: because before the vacation I was adapted to the poverty of life under a capitalist online regime, whereas in the intervening weeks my acquiescence had worn off even for the brief time I had been in unconnected quarantine. In quarantine, time unfolded naturally, with the rhythm of the sun. moon and stars. Back in civilization everything happened once again in "real time": lightning fast for outgo, glacial for income.
While I was away, I learned through a notification delivered in the interstices of a shoddy 4G reception first that Joe Biden's VP pick was immanent, and second that it was Kamala Harris. I greeted both pieces of information with indifference. I felt I had made up my mind about the election. I knew what I was dealing with. No VP choice this turkey nominee could pick would disappoint me as much as his conquest of the nomination had. I had a small place reserved for shock should he have upset expectations by picking someone not already being bandied about but more to my liking. Biden has one speed so of course he picked among the non-entities already on the list. Who gives a shit? Apparently some people do because I was met more than once with an expectant, "Kamala Harris! Am I right?" from people, to which I had to hesitate long enough for the subject to change. From what I gather her gender and ethnicity are sufficient reason to be excited. I was hoping for a bit more in terms of a signal that she would be a concession to the Bernie wing of the party who actually voted in the primary.
The Democratic convention started. They're not pretending anymore. All the usual suspects are featured, plus 6 Republicans in as clear a sign of Democratic priorities as I've ever seen. AOC got 60 pre-recorded seconds. If I want to hear Republicans I'll wait til next week. If even democrats aren't pretending there's hope for you and me in this rotten, diseased, capitalistic shithole of a country, why should we?
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Come on, man!
No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man.That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, you’re taking a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie? ... I know you're trying to goad me, but I am so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president and debates, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical as well as my mental fitness and to, you know, to make a judgment about who I am.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Vote Fraud
In spite of all evidence to the contrary, Trump and his minions persist in casting aspersion on the concept of mail-in voting. Their goal is to delay the inevitable at worst; at best to stall until the economy can be propped up enough to make the inevitable somewhat avoidable. Failing the postponement of facing the vote, they aim.not to ensure the integrity of the process but to undermine public confidence in the outcome. It is all but a foregone conclusion that the proven effectiveness and fairness of mail-in voting will make it a primary feature of how the November election will be carried out. Credit for the success of the process to date is at least partially due to the US Postal Service itself-- one of the Federal Government's most consistently excellent public services. Naturally the current administration would love to add dismantling the Postal Service to its list of dystopian accomplishments before November, but the clock is running out.